Like most kids, I first played dodgeball from the time I was 9 or 10. As an Air Force dependent living on Karamursel Air Force Base in

The way we played back then was to form a large circle of players that I’ll call strikers or throwers. We used the reddish-brown, soft, bouncy ball that all Americans, and probably everyone else all over the world, uses for both dodgeball and kickball. We would form a large circle, usually no more than 12 feet in diameter. The “dodger” got into the circle, and the rest of us gathered on the

Getting back to the young lady who was such a wiz at dodging—she was one of THE most incredible athletes I’ve ever witnessed of ANY age or gender! Once she made the middle, she could stay there almost for as long as she willed it. Her instincts, rhythm, flexibility and speed were a joy to behold. With her long wavy brown ponytail flying, she would dash from side to side, always keeping herself as far away as possible from the next thrower.
It didn’t matter how hard we threw at her, or if we tried to slyly skid the ball into her legs, or even if we attempted to fake her out with a false throw—she ALWAYS dodged the ball.
Once, a bunch of older boys decided that they would challenge her and she jauntily accepted. She rose to the occasion once again and became a dervish of dodging motion. The ball came at her from every direction, angle, and at an incredible rate of speed. No sooner did she sidestep one throw and start moving away from the next striker, than the ball would come whistling at her again from the other direction. At times she would jump high into the air, doing a full split, as the ball passed harmlessly between her legs, sometimes while she was wearing a skirt or a dress! (That was always a treat for us admiring guys!) Usually she just ran from side-to-side within the perimeter, evading the ball with a simple jump or a skip step, all while preparing for the next oncoming throw.
When this chick was center circle she drew huge crowds of us to watch her magic. She could keep this up for 5, 10, almost 15 minutes at a time. This doesn’t sound like all that long, but imagine running full steam without pause, starting and stopping between throws, and at the same time trying to concentrate on evading an oncoming thrown object that could come from any angle and speed.
As she eluded each toss, all of us would cheer as the ball passed her. The sound we made was metrical and it seemed to help her as she gathered strength from our encouragement and from the rhythm of our cheers. If someone threw high at her middle, she would avoid the throw by ducking or sidestepping; if the ball came at her low, she might jump over it, or split her legs while leaping just high enough to clear it.
No one else could do what Dodge Ball Girl could do. I remember my last attempt at trying to copy her. I could manage all right for 10 or 12 attempts at me, but the energy it took to keep moving and evading was sapping. My very last time at center circle went like this:
The ball came at me, again and again, bouncing at my feet, causing me to jump and move toward the direction of the thrower while I made ready for the next dodge. The easiest throws were those clearly not coming directly at me; all I had to do was take a step away, reverse direction and run. The most difficult throws were those coming directly at me toward my middle. Then I had to make a snap decision—duck, jump, or sidestep?
The very last throw I ever dodged on that playground was thrown at my crotch. Instinctively, I leaped high over the ball with spread legs, only that last time my legs went directly out and away. In other words, I lost my feet. I landed directly on my stomach with my arms and legs splayed wide apart. The sound that escaped from me was more than just a “thud.” When my body pancaked flat onto the asphalt it caused an embarrassing release of intestinal gas. It was exceptionally loud and every kid on the playground heard it. They responded with laughter that would have made Bob Hope proud. Is there any surprise that I never “dodged” there again?
But, my dodge balling career was not quite complete. Birch Run High School featured dodgeball as a required sports activity in all the boys’ gym classes. High school dodgeball is played a lot differently than the playground variety found in elementary

Boy’s dodgeball is warlike and played with a vengeance by both sides. In fact, we didn’t even call it dodgeball—we called it “murder ball!” The goal: hit your opponent on the fly with a thrown ball so that he is unable to catch it. If he does manage to catch the ball, then the thrower is out of the game and must sit in the bleachers with all the rest of the defeated “losers.” A player holding a ball in two hands can also use that held ball to repel a ball thrown at him. As long as he doesn’t drop the held ball, and the deflected ball doesn’t careen back into any part of his body, then he is still in the game.
My usual strategy was to hang back in my team’s exclusive zone and retrieve balls for my more aggressive teammates. That’s usually where I got tagged and forced to sit it out till the end of that game.

In January of 1975 I found myself in this exact hopeless situation. The game had winnowed almost all the other boys to the bleachers, and there were just three of us still on the floor. I was flat against the wall with another teammate, whose back was also against the wall next to me not ten feet away.

This malevolent fellow had a mean streak, and before “murdering” us he intended to torture us. I remember now that this guy did not even finish his senior year with us; instead, within a month he dropped out and joined the marines! This soon-to-be marine threw whistling shots at our heads again and again, intentionally missing us, but getting closer with each vicious hurl.
My teammates sat watching glumly, knowing that they would soon be loping around the gymnasium floor in defeat. The redheaded kid made it known that his “playful” torture was soon to end when he no longer attempted to retrieve the balls after they splatted loudly against the concrete block upon which we cowered. He was down to one ball.
Back then; I was a skinny fellow weighing no more than 130-pounds. To complete my nerdy image, I wore glasses that I continually pushed back into place onto the bridge of my pointy nose. I looked a bit like Harry Potter, only not as good looking. It came as no surprise then that my tormentor decided to center himself directly in front of the nerdy kid--me! He smirked as he relished the pain he was about to inflict on my thin-framed body. He was no more than ten yards away, but it seemed like he was right on top of me. Like my dejected comrades in the bleachers, waiting for my inevitable end, I figured I was about to get smeared.
At that moment I understood what it must be like to be on the deadly end of a firing squad. I felt completely helpless and fatalistic, but even so, I also began to feel myself become calm and collected. I decided I would not give this guy the satisfaction of watching me run and squirm. I held my position and prepared to “die” like a man!
The gym got deathly silent as he wound up like a pitcher on a mound and coiled to sling the red ball at me with all his might. I moved my hands to the front of my body to protect my groin and face as I watched for the inevitable approach of the red rubber missile. At last, he released it and time seemed to slow to a crawl. I could actually see the ball coming directly at me; it wasn’t a blur at all. I could make out the distinctive groups of lined patterns on it's round surface and even the seam molds. I could hear the ball hiss as it approached. When it was almost upon me, only a couple feet from the center of my chest, the ball seemed to float. I raised my hands to intercept it.
The cannonball-sized rubber ball thunked neatly between my

After four years of high school, that might have been the first time some of those kids even realized I existed. Dodgeball is cool, and for a few minutes, after a miraculous moment in January of 1975, so was I!
Dodgeball was a big sport when I was a kid. I was a wall flower a lot of the time too.
But I guess it is making a come back. The local rec center even has a dodgeball league now. I don't think I will join though. Much too slow now.
I remember those dodgeball games in Karamursel. On the street next to the house (First tour, when we lived on the corner) Sometimes you bigger kids would let me play, then "miss" me throwing the ball. I think you even made up a rule for me. 10 misses in a row means you win. Maybe you just let me win so I would quit bugging you to let me play.
That was a very different game than the one we played in high school, and the one that is played today. Good story. Go rent the movie. It is stupid as all Ben Stiller movies are, but still entertaining and very funny.
Yeah Ed, but I was never exactly a wallflower. I didn't have the arm to really wing the ball; so I made my contribution by "reloading" our monster players who DID have the strong arms.
Kev, I'm surprised you remember those days. You were only 4 or 5 years old. And of COURSE we missed you on purpose. You were a WILLING little guy, but we would've killed ya if we went all out on ya buddy!
I watched the movie last night on cable. I loved it! Good guy flick filled with stupid, locker room humor. Ben Stiller was a bit out of character from what he's played lately, which is inept nice guys. I like him as a goofy antagonist though; it suits him.
And having grown up in the PI, dodgeball was a little alien to me when I saw my kids playing dodgeball in the school grounds. Though on second thought, we probably had some sort of dodgeball maybe done a little differently.
I saw snippets of the movie on cable with the grandkids and we all enjoyed it, not for the sport but for the antics.
But Phil, the way you described your intense moments watching the ball flying toward you, is almost the exact way J. Canseco described his experiences at bat during his very productive years in baseball
He was featured in a paranormal book on altered states as an illustration of how trained athletes react during their intense moments at play. To him, when he is at bat, time and place get set aside, and all he experiences is a ball coming to him at almost slow motion speed. Thus, his ability to hit it almost at will and score homeruns.
Uncanny, huh?
ALTERED STATES is a good way to describe the experience. During my years involved in various sports I have experienced it several times. It was not a continuous thing, but it's absolutely wonderful when it happens.
Being IN THE ZONE is another way that it is described. My career as a runner and as a fastpitch player have both afforded me those sublime, ethereal moments.
And it's true that time and space seem to take on new meaning when you enter that zone of perfection. I sort of pity those folks who have never pushed themselves physically, or were too timid to try. The only other way to reach this state of "the next state" is to take mind altering drugs, and I would never do that.
One of my next projects will be to write about a cross-country road run I made back in the 70's when my body seemed to disappear and I felt like I could literally run for miles without effort. Ahh, those were the days!
BTW, physical athletes are being compared not with the druggies, but with those who appear to have psychic abilities.
And you are right when you imply that everybody has the abilities to tap into those paranormal abilities.
Athletes find it easier to get there because they push themselves physically to the limits.
I jog regularly and I have inklings about what you mean about being in the zone.
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