We spent the first night in Davao City in the Marco Polo Hotel. Believe me, it is high-end. We suffered sticker shock when the concierge announced the rate, about $300 for the two of us. Needless to say, we talked them into a 30% discount. About the only good thing I’ll say about that place is I had a stunning view of the city and the bay from my window eight stories up.
As far as amenities, pretty much any U.S. Air Force Visiting Airmen’s Quarters has more to offer. For example, the last senior NCO room I stayed in had a lazyboy lounger, a fridge with plenty of affordable goodies (not so affordable in the Marco Polo!), an iron and iro

Davao City is a big bustling port town – not nearly as big as Manila – and it’s certainly much more appealing than the capital on many levels. DC has wide clean boulevards and unlike Manila, the streets are pristine and the pavement smooth. Why can’t Manila be like that? It’s not simply a question of size either – it’s more about city planning and management – by comparison, Davao City has a grid of wide streets that keeps traffic moving by providing more than one way to get from point A to point B. Manila has a few large boulevards that limit a driver’s options. Outside of the main thoroughfares, Manila is a rabbit warren of confusing alley-like side streets. A driver in Manila leaves the primary routes at his own risk, and it’ll never change because it would mean razing thousands of buildings to fix it. Manila will always choke on its traffic and it will only get worse. Sigh.

A row of taxis was lined up outside the hotel. For just over $20 one of them agreed to take us the 55 km north to Tagum. The road north eventually leads hundreds of miles to Butuan; for our relatively short distance it followed the coast until just before reaching Tagum where we veered inland.
I enjoyed the leapfrog driving it takes to make the trip in just about an hour. There are scores of lumbering semi-trucks on the mostly two-lane concrete national highway, so our driver, and all the drivers for that matter, play a well-coordinated game of chicken with each other. Driving like that would never work in the structured traffic of the USA, but drivers here are cut from a different bolt. It seems like chaos, but in fact Filipino drivers are, if not skilled, at least used to the give-and-take required to drive in a place where stop signs and traffic signals are rare.
For all the heavy traffic, the road to Tagum is in remarkably good shape. The cheaply made roads around here tend to break down quickly under the weight of trucks, so I will assume that there is less corruption in Davao – more of the allotted construction money actually goes INTO construction – what else can I think?
Admittedly, I was a bit leery about going to Davao. It seems I hear about a bomb going off in the city or outlying areas every few months. One of the first things I noticed down there is the ubiquitous presence of police and soldiers. They man checkpoints and are stationed anyplace that might conceivably bring trouble. I’ve always felt a kinship for security personnel after my experiences with that sort of work in the military. I make it a point to nod and say hello. In Manila and Pampanga the cops are sullen and usually simply stare or even glare at me when I try to acknowledge them. In Davao, without exception, every time I said hello and smiled at a cop or soldier they smiled back and waved. I always felt comfortable around them, like we are all on the same side. Around here I feel unwelcome and despised by the police. Perhaps they are resentful for some reason?
(Dang it! I took my cam with me, but after having not used it for so long I had it set on low resolution. All my pics came out fuzzy. Oh well. Live and learn).

We rolled up our sleeves and went to work. First, however, Doc gave the group our spiel, tha

Over the next few days, we sat side-by-side at a small table under that huge open-air pavilion poring over each veteran or widow’s stacks of documents, most of their papers yellow and brittle with age. It sounds tedious, and it is, but I never lose sight that each person sitting next to me expects my best, and I do my best to give it to them. At times I feel like a combination of lawyer, detective and bureau

Just like the rest of Davao that I observed, Tagum is CLEAN, . . . AND the streets are WIDE! It is remarkable to me that even the side and secondary lanes are very broad. Tagum is a fairly big place and I have never seen a town of its size in the Philippines with such wide streets. How did they do this? I asked Mr. Cirpo about it. He claims that way back in the late 60s, before there even was a Tagum City, the local far-sighted planners decided to lay out a grid of amply expansive streets. For years these super-wide streets were

As far as the cleanliness, I cannot praise them enough for that local trait. I wish Angelenos would follow the Davaweno example. Around here I have to studiously NOT look at the mounds of trash everywhere. For instance, go to any of the four bridges fording the Abacan River in Angeles City and look out at what should be a beautiful vista, instead what you’ll see is garbage and flotsam. It’s sad, and MY personal solution is to simply NOT look at it. The Davawenos seem to have instinctive self-discipline and awareness when it comes to disposing of their refuse. I never

Tagum boasts the largest set of rosary beads in the world, or so the locals claim. Mr. Cirpo was anxious for us to see them, and being an old altar boy I wanted to check them out myself. He and his grandson drove us out to the new Catholic Church. I say new, but it could be several years old. It’s design and look is certainly modern. It has a castle-like appearance that to me looks a bit Disneyesque. With its understated Floridian-like exterior coloring, it certainly doesn’t resemble the Old Spanish style cathedrals, although it is

The morning we visited happened to be the same day that the bishop was ordaining the new pastor; at least I think that’s what was going on. We found a parking spot near the entrance and squeezed into it. There were scores of soldiers and cops on hand, with many more stationed on street corners and along the route to the church. Once again I greeted each soldier and police officer and they amiably returned my greeting with a hearty “good morning sir!” What a wonderful change from the glum glares I’m used to getting around here.
The gigantic rosary was behind the massive church. We walked around back and immediately noticed a large open-armed Jesus statue with a sacred heart

Mr. Cirpo is 80 years old. He’s as thin as a rail and gets around better than I do. As I’ve said before though, these old folks are the ones to talk to if you want to get the feel of a place. As we drove around, he bantered non-stop, giving us a continuous history lesson and enthusiastically answering all our questions. Without him, our view of Tagum City would have been pallid and one-dimensional.
For instance, he informed us that before The War that area of the Philippines was heavily settled with thousands of Japanese. In fact, he said that Davao City was known as Little Tokyo. I did some reading and learned that the Japanese came in their droves because of the opportunities afforded at the turn of the century by the newly arrived American c

When the war started in 1941 there were almost 14,000 Japanese living there. Naturally, Japan concentrated a lot of their interest on the area; but soon, any goodwill that preexisted the war was destroyed by their cruelty. Mr. Cirpo was just 15 in 1941 when he and his family were forced onto a concentration camp. His dad died in the camp due to their cruelty; he expired from complications of a beating and from poor medical care. Once old enough, Cirpo escaped and joined the local resistance as a private in the guerrillas. He proudly displays two shrapnel wounds on his left knee and right elbow, although the VA refuses to acknowledge them -- typical of the Veterans Administration when it comes to the way they deal with these honorable old gentlemen.
He and his grandson drove us out to the huge Ayala Plantation, originally owned by International Harvester. On the way, we passed by the site of the new City Hall located to the southwest of Tagum City. Evidently they have already outgrown their old one. I’m not surprised; the place really seems to be thriving with industry and optimism.
Mr. Cirpo pointed out huge groves of bananas and coconuts. He proudly sta

Like clockwork, it rained every afternoon we were there. After learning this the hard way, we did our touring in the morning when it was invariably bright and sunny with just a smattering of clouds to portend the coming showers. Take note: if you plan on coming to the Philippines this time of the year, especially to Davao, bring an umbrella, or be where you want to be by about 2 p.m.
One last note: The Molave Hotel is a great place to stay while in Tagum City. For just $12 a night we had almost everything we had at the Marco Polo, including cable TV. In fact, I was able to catch the final two nights of American Idol. (Taylor Hicks won, but -- MY opinion -- the two best singers were Chris and Yamin!) Oh, a word of warning, the Molave does NOT have hot water, so once again I found myself showering out of a bucket, splashing breathtakingly cold water over my head; but for the money why not!?
Arent you scared there might be abu sayaf there?
Nope. I'd go back in a second!
Dont you ever want to go back here in the US? Much better here, especially medical. If only Clark and Subic were still there, I would have stayed in PI.
Actually, the medical is not so bad here; as long as you aren't in a catostrophic car wreck or something. Everything else is pretty good. If I get cancer, maybe then I'll come back to the US. Otherwise, I'm good to go.
I have heard good things about the cleanliness in Davao.
My mother would love to see that huge rosary.
By the way, I have moved my site to http://niceheart.wordpress.com
Hi Niceheart. I'm sure you would love the rosary beads as well. Next time I'm there I'm definitely going to make time to say a rosary on it! Tell your mom "Hi!" for me.
Hi, Phil:
Welcome back!
Now you have become my virtual trip guide. This time to familiar Davao.
A sister still maintains a residence there, thus we typically stay with her when we take a trip to Davao.
You mentioned Tagum. In the past, because we took that route passing through Butuan from Cagayan de Oro, Tagum was a frequent stopover. Did you get a chance to glimpse at Mount Diwalwal in Monkayo where much of the gold mining is done?
We now take a much shorter and nicer route going to Davao from Cagayan de Oro, passing through Bukidnon. It’s called the BuDa route.
Wow! $300 a night, or $210 for you. That’s quite high. Funny, but I read recently a visitor in Cagayan de Oro from Davao remarked about how much more expensive hotel accommodations are in Cagayan de Oro compared to Davao. He probably meant the median rates for the typical accommodations.
I wonder if that is the same Marco Polo hotel which is near the place where you can buy souvenirs. We were there for three afternoons. Isn't it strange that we both went to Davao and nearly bumped into each other? It was only days that separated our trips, rights?
The clean streets and friendly folks definitely make Davao a very nice place. Actually, we heard that many people who were stationed there for work opted to resign rather than get uprooted again and moved someplace else. They fell in love with Davao.
Hey Amadeo and Wat...
One of my American pals over here does a lot of travelling throughout the country. He agrees with me that Mindanao seems to be run on a higher level than the rest of the country.
The gold mining was mentioned in passing and I could see a lot of mountains and hills in the distance, but I couldn't tell you whether or not I looked at Diwalwal.
Usually we stay in budget hotels, but some veterans we met at the airport recommended the Marco Polo -- I don't think they realized the cost. We figured one night wouldn't kill us.... and it didn't.
There is only one Marco Polo in DC. We were a few blocks south of the mall, and that's where we bought our souveniers.
I sat next to an old Aussie on the way back to Manila. His wife is originally from Manila and now she hates going back there. She LOVES Davao and would never live anywhere else. I can see why.
If I had a choice in the matter, I would want to work somewhere else too. But this is the nearest place to Baguio that I can keep a good job and pay for the food on the table. Gotta cope somehow I guess. Makes my camping days and visits to Baguio really precious.
Hiya Wat...you live and work in Manila, right? Hey, a man's got to do what he must, just as you said. I'd be doing the same thing if I were in your shoes. Its too bad there are not more options for folks here, but that is the reality of the Philippines.
I know that staying in touch with nature as you do definitely helps you cope. I wish all Filipinos felt like that.
For instance, on my way over here to the office as I was passing over the Hensonville Bridge, a passenger in the car in front of me opened the window and tossed out a handful of trash. The brazeness and disrespect for where one lives demonstrated by that kind of act saddens and depresses me. Its so unnecessary and causes the surroundings of this place to always be dingy and unattractive.
People do it in the US too, but there I would have called in the plate and would have felt like I had some kind of input into the situation. Here, I just feel powerless and angry.
Does that act of trashing their environment demonstrate a disdain and lack of love for country, or is it just laziness? What is in the mind of people like that?
My fellow US military retirees, I envy you guys living in my country the Phils., and I am living here in your country, the US. The day I set foot outside the US, I will be inadmissable for 10 years since I am not a legal US resident. Weird ha? I dont know but the day I do that, I dont mind if my navy pension and VA benefits taken away, as long as they dont take my US military status away as a US Navy retiree gulf war veteran. I would like to keep my ID and be known as retired US Navy. Only in the Philippines that US military retirees seem getting some good attention.
been to Davao a few months ago, all by myself and had a grand time! everyone was so friendly and helpful, and being the safest city in the Phils, i felt confident nothing untoward will happen. i was right. with all the rumours of vigilante actions against criminals, crime has gone close to nothing. Watson, i think you were referring to Aldevinco arcade, right across Marco Polo, made a few friends there as well. it there's anywhere i'd like to go back to again and again, it will be the wonderful city of Davao ...!
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