‘If I slip, that is going to be me!”

As I looked around, I saw that I was on the side of an almost sheer wall of loose gravel and rocks, and as panic began to engulf me I inadvertantly kicked loose a softball-sized rock. I watched with alarm over my shoulder as the rock bounded down the slope below me in huge 40 and 50 foot leaps for hundreds of feet. ‘If I slip, that is going to be me,” I thought. My guides had been the source of the piercing whoop and they were signaling at me frantically to stay put till they could come to me. I wasn’t about to go anywhere so staying put was not a problem. Cautiously, they sidled along the loose wall until they were about 10 feet to my left. My guide told me to work my way carefully toward him. Digging my toes into the soft wall with each sideways step I did as he said until I was next to him, then we all continued in that manner until we were off the face of that perilous cliff. I felt myself sag as I realized how close to buying it I had been. My intensity and inattention had almost got me killed. I wasn’t about to let that happen again! After my close call I made sure I continually looked up for the location of my escorts and I noticed that they were keeping an eye on me as well. I felt bad that I had screwed up and had put all of us in danger; I became determined to do better.
Within another hour or two the footing went from steep-and-loose to steeper-and-smooth. There was no longer any sign of vegetation at that level, and I realized I was walking on what had been molten lava from one of Mayon’s numerous past eruptions, one of which had occurred only three months before. The new concrete-smooth walking surface was slick when wet and the moisture from the clouds that immersed us kept that hardened lava face moist and therefore treacherously slippery. Using our hands to keep our balance became even more crucial.
I knew we were

Within a few hundred feet from the peak the smooth solidified lava began to develop narrow gullies just wide enough for us to walk inside at armpit depth. These lava-formed channels were just deep enough to keep our arms above the surface allowing us to pull ourselves forward and upwards. These narrow person-sized furrows almost seemed to be designed to allow us to finish our climb in relative comfort and speed. As we approached the summit, the wind seemed to pick up speed until it’s sound drowned out even our thoughts. I paused to open my knapsack to get my camera, but when I opened the case and looked through the aperture I found it completely blurred from the cold and moisture. Disappointed, I put it back in the bag.
The sulfur stink was pervasive. Several times a particularly thick puff of the nasty smelling stuff would envelop us causing me to gag and choke, but we continued upward on the inside of our lava trench. And then, at long last, we were there! I had envisioned myself standing proudly at the top like a conquering hero, but the wind prevented any of that nonsense as it roared through us in gusts of at least 30 or 40 or more miles per hour. All I could manage to do was to sit on the narrow circumference of the crater with my arms wrapped around a boulder to keep from being blown bodily back down the mountain. The cruel and unrelenting wind ripped a mixture of sulfur miasma and cloud mist through us, and it made it impossible to see anything and to hear even less. I couldn’t see down into the crater because of its thick white sulfurous emissions, and the clouds that enveloped us prevented any view of the surrounding landscape. I sat at the top of Mayon for less than half a minute—profoundly cold, wretchedly wet, my inner ears throbbing, my lungs and throat aching from the foul air, and I was ready to get the hell out of there.
I crawled over to the guide who also looked ready to skedaddle, and I yelled at him, “LET’S GO!” He couldn’t hear me so I had to scream it again directly into his ear. He nodded and grinned; I sensed he saw the irony of our having worked so hard to get up there only to leave almost immediately. As we scrambled back down the lava trough I yearned for our journey to be over right then and there, but we had to do the whole thing all over again, only in reverse. I felt dispirited but swallowed my misery with a deep breath and an enormous sigh. It was a LONG way back down.
What Goes Up…
Believe it or not, even though it’s faster, going down a mountain is physically harder and more painful than going up. The primary difficulty of descending a steep mountain, especially when there is no trail, is the lack of secure footing. If you imagine trying to go down a ladder facing away from it, that’s exactly what it is like trying to hike down a steep mountain like Mayon. My guide had warned me to expect to go up on all fours and to come back down on all fives. I had no idea what he meant until we started down. He was right—my first tendency was to slide down the smooth lava slabs on my butt, or my “five,” using my hands to steady and slow my progress.
The wet weather was still upon us as it had been all morning, and the effects of being constantly soaked had caused my hands to become soft and tender. This was not a good thing considering the sharpness and abrasiveness of the volcanic rocks I was forced to use as handholds for hours on end. By the time we had slid and scampered back down to the campsite my fingertips were sliced and bleeding. We stopped for a snack of fresh mango and when the guide handed me a slice, the juice felt like acid on my shredded fingers. The pain was excruciating and even rinsing them in a little drinking water did little to stem the agony. I would have done anything for a pair of sturdy leather work gloves. I made a mental note to never go hiking anywhere again without a pair.
We finally got below the rain cloud enveloping much of the volcano and that ended the constant dampness. We also escaped from the winds so prevalent toward the peak; and blessedly, the temperature became less and less chilly. But along with those good changes I began to notice another physical problem aside from my frayed fingertips, and that was my toes. I had had the same problem, although not as severe, during my descent from Mount Fuji. Going down a steep decline for many hours causes your feet to incessantly press into the toes of your shoes, and by the time I got back down to tree level I could feel that all my toes were blistered and bleeding. When I finally got my shoes off that late that afternoon I found my socks soaked in blood.
I had the chance to see another example of my guides’ amazing climbing skills when we came to an exceptionally steep mountain slope. They stopped at the top of this cliff-like wall and told me that I should go ahead of them. I looked down the side of this near vertical mountain face with uncertainty and asked, “Are you sure we came up this way?” I couldn’t believe I was supposed to go down this near vertical section. It was studded with loose rocks imbedded in sandy cinder material all of which made for horrible footing. The guide told me to take my time and assured me we had indeed come this way during our climb up. I took a deep breath and started down the cliff facing it as if going down a ladder. The wall was at least 60 feet high and I soon understood why they made me go first. The rocks were so unsecured in their setting that almost every step caused stones and gravel to cascade down the cliff face. If the guides had gone ahead of me I would have showered them with the stuff. Very slowly and shakily I made it to the bottom. I huffed in relief and then watched my companions make their way down. These guys were human mountain goats. They came down that nearly perpendicular precipice casually, as if they were walking down a flight of stairs! Hardly a pebble was disturbed as they confidently stepped down from rock to crevice to rock; and the entire time, unlike me, they faced away from the wall without using their hands. I compared my own amateurish and cautious descent down the same gradient and if truth be told there was no comparison. These guys were awesome!
The Journey Ends—Stinkily!
Many hours later I was extremely pleased and relieved when we got back down to the less precipitous bottom areas of Mayon. I was hungry, thirsty, dirty, and ready to get back to the comforts of civilization, which I was reminded of as the old golf course came into view below us through the last of the farmer’s fruit trees. As I limped back through the vestiges of that ruined course I could not believe how utterly drained and weary I was. We still had a long hike to the road, but it was relatively flat and it felt almost effortless to cover the several thousand meters required to get us back to where a vehicle could carry us instead of our tortured feet. In less than an hour we exited the gate to the road and tossed down our packs. I sat on a rock and looked back at the mountain that I had “conquered,” feeling more like it had beaten the stuffing out of ME instead. I struggled back to my feet as a jeepney pulled over to pick us up.
There were already five people in the jeepney and after we hung our packs on hooks outside the back of it we pulled ourselves on. Normally when entering a jeepney, passengers already o

When my guys dropped me off at the hotel I thanked them with a $20 tip and plodded stiffly to my hotel room. All I wanted was a shower and some food. I kicked my clothes into a corner of the bathroom, and as I tried to turn on the shower I realized my hands were going to be a problem. My fingertips were too tender to handle soap and shampoo, so I asked my wife to wash my hair while I held my tortured paws in front of me well out of the streaming water. Stepping out of the shower I felt like a new man as I toweled off. It was then that I smelled something absolutely repugnant—like a combination of rotten eggs and defecation. “Did the sewer back up?” I asked my wife. She grimaced and pointed at my grimy climbing clothes—looking more like dirty rags—lying in a pile on the floor. It wasn’t just unwashed body odor that had befouled me; from the smell of it, I had obviously absorbed the stench of the mountain’s sulfurous flatulence. No wonder those unfortunate people on the jeepney had cowered from us; I’m surprised they hadn’t retched and gagged at the way we reeked.
So that’s the story of my foray up the Philippine’s exquisite Mount Mayon. It was 20 years ago, yet it doesn’t seem so far in the past, so intense and unforgettable was the experience. I had always intended to try it again someday only better prepared, but it was not to be. My body is no longer capable of such an endeavor. My advice to anyone with bodies still healthy and able is to climb your mountains while you can, for you might not ever get another chance!
Hello Phil. Lunch break's over but I couldn't resist the urge to finish reading your Mt. Mayon adventure. I enjoyed your post. It was like being there myself! Save for the phosphoric smells and the bloody toes of course.
You are quite right. Climb your mountains while you still can! I am a late bloomer when it comes to camping but I sure am enjoying it. Staying in Baguio where we walked most of the time has been a lot of help. Where my companions concentrate in getting through rock and water obstacles, I find that I am better able to navigate these and enjoy the scenery.
I have linked you up. Hope you don't mind. Will come back again to read more!
My dear Watson. (always wanted to say that!)
Glad you liked my mayon story. I'm glad i did it while i could. I never would have thought back then that I would be unable to do it now. I hope sometime I can find some easier trails to do in the PHils. This is such a beautiful place once you get away from the over-populated areas. And like I tell all my friends about the people over here, there are none more friendly anywhere, and i've lived in dozens of countries.
I've been to Baguio, but I liked Sagada and Banaue so much more. It's been 20 years since i've been to the Rice Terraces though, still, I remember how much they had managed to retain the natural beaty of the place. It seems like there has been way too many trees taken down in the Baguio area. I hope there is a reforestation effort going on up there.
I'm flattered to be linked up to you. By all means. It's nice to know you. I hope you aren't too sensitive about some of my comments concerning this country. I tend to be a critic about nearly everything (including and especially the US). The fact that I've chosen to live here should say something right? Nice talking to you Watson....... I'll be checking in on you as well...
Hi. Great tale you told there. A few years ago i climbed a volcano in bali that was active and spewing out lava and rocks and it was the highlight of my trip. I think it sowed seeds that I'm realy keen to reep now. So I've been looking into more Volcanos to climb up and the pictures of Mayon i've seen on Panoramimo.com are amzing... so I've decided to focus my next travel plans to the Philippens.
But, I'm havign great trouble finding books in my local library and none of the local shops have any "lonely plante/rough guide" books. Someone mentioned to me that this could be becuase The Philippians are currnetly not a recomended place to travel alone.
So, after reading your blogs and encouraged by your name... I was just wondering if you still repliy to these post, and if so, if you had any advice about how safe it owuld be for a 30 year old bloke from the UK to venture into your part of the world.
Either way. Great story, thanks!
Hi Wiley,
Glad you enjoyed the story. It was fun remembering and recounting.
You got it absolutely right, venturing around in this country by yourself would not be a good thing to try. If you must come, find a mate to travel with, and even then, do your research. There are so many pitfalls and dangers here for the inexperienced that if I knew you were coming I would be holding my breath until you made it safely back on the plane.
Hey, feel free to email me for any further insights or if you have specific questions. Truthfully, the number one reason to come here is to meet the wonderful women. They are without a doubt the sweetest nicest most caring group of ladies you'll ever find anywhere. Also, there ARE wonderful places to see and visit here as well though, but as I said, you MUST be prepared before trying to do it on your own. Email me at pjspear1@yahoo.com
Hi Phil, I just read your story after booking a flight from Cebu to Legazpi some time in June this year.
Awesome tell here! I also want to trek Mayon and was wondering if there are cheaper alternatives when it comes to the guide. 50 USD is just too much for me as I'll be going solo. Hopefully, I'll be able to trek with other people there. I'm excited already and it's as if I was there when I read your two-part post. Thanks for sharing this. Now I know what to expect. Hopefully, the prices won't be too much as the rates you posted was still 6 years ago. Will save up for this.
Dang Ed, I did that trek a loooong time ago. I wrote the account of it over five years ago but I climbed it back in the dark ages. I would contact the Legaspi Tourist Office and go from there. Glad you enjoyed though...
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