I received an email from one of my fellow retirees today. View his email below and how I answered him. As you can see, I'm much more of a windbag than he is! Sometimes, I think Saul, who is Jewish, just likes TO GET ME GOING!
"Hello Phil and how are "we" today...watch FOX news lately?...hear about the ex-Taliban guy going to Yale college, in case you have not, get ready for this one, today they were interviewing three students about whether this guy should be allowed to attend their Ivey League college when so many regular Americans can't get in, well, there was one student that was in support of this Taliban guy being there (the other two were not), and again, guess who the student was, A FREAKEN ORTHODOX JEW!!!!!!!!!!...when is it gonna end?!?!?!?!...I need a beer... Saul B."
Hi Saul, and how is my favorite semi-conservative, retired-navy, drunken jewish-buddy today? Hey, don't take it personal EVERYTIME you see a Jewish person say or do something that seems so obviously contrary to common sense. In a word, it's called liberalism. And in this case, it just goes to show you how disjointed jewish opinion actually is in the Jewish Diaspora.
Saul, don't blame their boneheaded and misguided opinions on their religion--blame it on their liberal instruction. As I told you before, and as an example, I am a Catholic, and there are some very CONFUSING and confused Catholics out there who continue to support abortion (led by the ilks of Kennedy and Kerry). Either they are Catholic or they aren't! Do they go to confession every time they vote for these people?
In the case of certain Jews supporting the very Islamics who would sooner decapitate ALL Jews, these liberal, and apparently suicidal, "progressive" Jews are simply ignoring their painful history and disregarding current events (Sep 11, Taliban atrocities, Islamic intolerance, Hamas suicide bombers, adnauseum). It shows how effective liberal indoctrination is in our upper-level (and now high school) institutions of learning. Professors have managed to teach the sheep that the wolf is inherently good, and to trust them AND the wolf! My hat is off to the self-proclaimed "elite" of American academia who have been able to so thoroughly indoctrinate even Jews into believing it's better to go to school with the Taliban than it is to sit in a classroom with a bunch of evil conservatives. If that's not Orwellian then nothing is!
To be truthful, I think Harvard or Yale or Princeton, or any of the Ivy League schools are PERFECT for this Taliban fellow--he is going to fit right in. They say he is an "ex Taliban," but is he? I doubt it. And if he doesn't already hate the United States BEFORE going to school there, he most certainly WILL before long; although I doubt very much that he NEEDS much help in hating us--the Taliban are all about hating, just as American academics are fond of hating THEIR own country. It's a perfect match! Teaching their students to detest America is the common theme of ALL American universities; remember, Yale does NOT allow ROTC on their campus! So here's how it goes: "ROTC NO! Taliban YES!" It only makes sense to bring into their fold someone who already would LOVE to see this country destroyed--kind of like preaching to the choir, yes?Along the same lines...How about the high school teacher in Colorado, Jay Bennish, supposedly "teaching" Geography to 16 year olds? Did you hear his recorded tirade against the US? Don't think he's an anomaly, because I'll bet you he is NOT! Its a wonder ANYONE graduates from school, high school OR college, WITHOUT hating their own country. Its really amazing, the vile and twisted nonsense this jerk spewed down the throats of his charges. The man is absolutely shameless!
And worse, are Bennish's supporters that I saw pontificate on "Hannity and Colmes" and other FOX News talk shows. These people were making excuses for "one of their own," talking about defending his 1st Amendment Rights! One pro-Bennish lawyer spoke of Bennish's promoting "dialogue" in the classroom, as if there was anything but a MONOLOGUE going on in there. Everytime the one student, an intrepid young fellow named Sean, tried to put forth a counterpoint, the crazed teacher brushed the young man's arguments aside. Bennish wasn't promoting free thinking, or provoking thought, he was haranguing his students and assuaging his own political frustrations. Hell, do you think for one second that this "fake" teacher's apologists would similarly defend the 1st Amendment Rights of other teachers who would dare teach Creationism or the "realities" of abortion in THEIR classrooms! And that isn't the point anyway! High school Geography teachers teach geography, not liberal demagoguery! Don't they?
This type of teacher uses his uncontested position of power to force his political opinions and pet peeves DOWN THE THROATS of naive children! Hell, that's like allowing NAMBLA into the classroom. Lets just teach young boys and girls that its okay to have "relationships" with adults and call it free speech! While we're at it, let's bring in drug dealers--why trod on their Free Speech Rights!? Drugs are good, right? Liberals say "it all depends!" Is this the kind of fuzzy logic we want to expose our kids to? There is a huge responibility when it comes to teaching impressionable minds, and this guy abused it. A high school teacher does NOT have 1st Amendment rights! NOT while he is teaching!
The good thing is that the Colorado schoolboard actually suspended this so-called Geography teacher... wonder of wonders! ...and I continue to carp... it's bad enough to have to put up with these opinionated blowhards in college, now high school students, who have so little information at their fingertips and in their mental toolkits anyway, how can they possibly stand up to an overbearing teacher like this guy? Most of the time, they don't, because these intellectually vulnerable kids end up being swayed and won over to "the dark side!"
I'll say one thing for the liberals, they are really doing us "moderate types" a HUGE favor by making the world so damn black-and-white. These people are so far over "there" that we, mostly middle-of-the-roaders, wind up looking like dyed-in-the-wool conservatives! I NEVER thought of myself as conservative until the the Clinton years, when I saw his party rally around that philandering, over-sexed, self-indulging rascal. If a Republican had been caught doing something so shameful and disrespectful while in office, he would have been FORCED to resign by his own party! The farther the democrats go left, by NOT reigning in their growingly strident fringe, the more of a Republican I become, and I am NOT a Republican!
Man, this thing got long. I think I'll post it in my blog...
Now, don't get me started on the Oscars!.....
Here's an example:
I used to be confused over my political leanings until one day I discovered the website of the Constitution Party. What I read there I agreed with perhaps 90% of the time, which is way more than I agreed with the Democrats or Republicans. I found a party that suits my ideology.
The one negative is the extreme of either of the main two parties accuse me of being in with the extreme of their opposing party when I disagree with them approximately 50% of the time. Everything seems to be getting more polarized politically all the time and frankly that worries me.
Waiting for that Oscar's post, dude. I fell asleep watching it.
Hiya Ed,
Concerning voting for 3rd parties: As bad as it seems at times, I think I'll stay within the bounds of the 2 party system; otherwise, all you end up doing is wasting your vote. I think its better to find out who among the dems and reps support your positions and then split your vote amongst those whom you think will best serve your personal platform. I write congressmen and senators all the time to make sure they know what I approve and disapprove of. Out of curiousity, how many elected Constitutionalists are there at this time?
I don't have a problem with polarization until it gets personal and offensive, and I think that's what you're talking about. I don't understand why people can't disagree and not call each other horrible names and use vile language. It's just ugly, although I admit to using colorful descriptives like "boneheaded" at times. There are lots of blogs out there where most of the comments contain nothing but filth and vulgarity. I choose not to visit them. For me, they lose credibility. We should try to make our points using reason and civility...pretty much the way you do Ed...
There have been some Constitution Party members elected but none to the national level that I am aware of. Even though I agree with the party for the most part, I am like you in voting for the two main parties until a third party becomes viable. I suppose by doing that I am also preventing a third party from being viable. Catch 22.
Civil debate seems largely lost in bloggerland. I've found a few people who civily debate and find them quite refreshing. You are among them.
Hey Cut,
I got a chance to read that book blurb you recommended, the one about Jews and Socialism in America going back to about 100 years ago. The reviewer says that it was the "unique" poitical and economic circumstances of New York back then that actually spawned a call for Socialism as a fix for society's ills.
I'm not all that up on what was going on in NYC back then, but I remember how deeply stunned I was in the 7th Grade by Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," a novel about the working man's horrors in Chicago's Slaughterhouses during the same time period. That book was basically a call for societal change through socialism, and as I read that horrifying novel when I was 13 years old, I was all for socialism myself! The pen is indeed mightier than the sword, because Teddy Roosevelt read it as well, and his administration was responsible for some sweeping changes in society through a whole host of new laws.
Still, that was then, this is now. I grew up, got some perspective, put some life experiences under my belt, and realized things are different NOW! For instance, I learned that we no longer have to demonize industry and that business is GOOD for America, not bad!
Are you saying that many liberal jews NEVER outgrew their socialist penchants of a century ago? You could be right, because my buddy Saul is always talking about how many jewish relatives he has that seem to have an instinctive and kneejerk dislike for anything remotely capitalistic. Interesting.
Hiya Ed... Thanks for acknowledgment on the civil debate issue. Cutler is a good man as well, and keeps it intellectual instead of personal....ONly problem is he's been very busy with his post graduate efforts and hasn't been posting... too bad! Here is his blog: http://yankeestation.blogspot.com/
Of course you didn't mention in that previous comment that "The Jungle" has been proven to be fiction. Upton Sinclair admitted that he made the whole thing up to push the socialist agenda. Kinda like the whole "fake but accurate" thing.
Yeah you're right Kev, it was a novel, so by definition it was amade up story. He used exageration to make his point. "Valley of the Wolves" anyone? Or how about "Fareheit 911?" Tell some lies, wrap it in some film and pass it off as fact. People will eat it up hook, line and sinker..just as I did as a 13 year old! Does telling lies justify the ends?
One more thing-
Jay Bennish was teaching GEOGRAPHY when he went on that rant. Subject matter not even related to his curriculum.
Kev, my brother!
I don't think it would matter what subject this guy teaches, he is determined to continue to "enlighten" the children of all those idiot parents out there whom he thinks are not properly educating their kids on the "evils of their own country." Did you see in the news that he has been reinstated?...he's back in the classroom, and he's not apologetic in the least.
He has said that he will continue to do what he's doing, which is "ReEducation." (my words) Do you recognize the phrase? That's what the Vietnamese and Chinese called it when they browbeat and brainwashed people into "learning" what was ONLY good for them...because if they didn't LEARN, it meant a bullet behind the ear.
What astounds me is WHERE do these loons come up with this stuff? It would seem that they would have us sit back on our haunches and wait for the next attack...no thanks! That seems to be what they want though. That, and another pet preference is to force the "murderous" Israelis out of Israel. I guess its not surprising that Bennish is from Michigan, which is fast becoming the midwest version of Oregon. He continues to defend himself, stating that he's only providing stimulation and food for thought to his students, but by not putting ALL sides of his pet issues on the tabl
Kev, my brother!
I don't think it would matter what subject this guy teaches, he is determined to continue to "enlighten" the children of all those idiot parents out there whom he thinks are not properly educating their kids on the "evils of their own country." Did you see in the news that he has been reinstated?...he's back in the classroom, and he's not apologetic in the least.
He has said that he will continue to do what he's doing, which is "ReEducation." (my words) Do you recognize the phrase? That's what the Vietnamese and Chinese called it when they browbeat and brainwashed people into "learning" what was ONLY good for them...because if they didn't LEARN, it meant a bullet behind the ear.
What astounds me is WHERE do these loons come up with this stuff? It would seem that they would have us sit back on our haunches and wait for the next attack...no thanks! That seems to be what they want though. That, and another pet preference is to force the "murderous" Israelis out of Israel. I guess its not surprising that Bennish is from Michigan, which is fast becoming the midwest version of Oregon. He continues to defend himself, stating that he's only providing stimulation and food for thought to his students, but by not putting ALL sides of his pet issues on the table, he's obviously doing nothing more than force feeding his way of thinking. He makes me think all right...he makes me think he's a blithering idiot!
I wonder if this anti-American Quaker who was just found murdered in Iraq, Fox is his name, from Virginia; I wonder if he finally "got it" as the very people he went to help, the people he thought to be merely misunderstood, if HE finally understood that it didn't matter how much he pandered to these mindless killers...HE WAS THEIR ENEMY! He was their enemy because he was an American, because he was a non-Muslim, because he was there!
I just can't find it in me to feel sorry for him. I wonder what went through his head as they tortured him before they finally ended his misery with a bullet in the head? Did you ever hear any of HIS anti-war statements? They are on the same level as Bennish's...the USA is wrong, we are the cause, we are misguided because we choose to fight back, and it's all our fault to begin with...
I hope for his sake he died with the courage of Christ, because I have a feeling the animals that killed him wanted to see him whimper and beg. There is only one way to deal with these fanatic muslims, cut their throats as they sleep. I guess that makes me a conservative.....so be it!
And we remember sadly that there is yet another American, Jill Carroll of Christian Science Monitor, who's fate we have not heard of lately.
These freedoms we hold dearly, the freedoms to express oneself or to be anywhere where one wants to be, do hold great mortal risks.
But more than individual personal risks, we have to think beyond ourselves.
Aren't they also putting at grave mortal risks the soldiers and operatives who have to be specially tasked to focus on those taken hostages?
When Christ met his fate, he did so solely on his own bringing nobody else, admonishing his followers only with the caution that if they follow him, they are bound to also meet the same fate.
I agree that in theory, as Americans, we hold dear the right to be anywhere we want to be, but that’s ONLY an unrealistic model. For instance, in the USA, theoretically, there should be no place I can’t go as a free citizen of that great country; YET, in reality there are plenty of places I CANNOT go out of fear for my life and limb. Try going to “certain” neighborhoods in Detroit, Flint, Saginaw, Oakland, Miami, and St. Louis to name but a few. On second thought, do your self a favor and DO NOT try it! First of all, you are NOT wanted there, and you’ll definitely know it by the glares you’ll get, and that will be the least of your problems if that’s ALL that happens.
It is even more so in the war zone of Iraq. Why do these naïve “do-gooders” put themselves into such untenable situations and locations? By going there, they become targets of opportunity. The people who kidnap and murder them do not care what is in their hearts, or that they are “only trying to help.” These Islamo-sickos relish torture and mayhem, especially when it results in people in the States ringing their hands and demanding immediate withdrawal. And you are absolutely right, American marines and soldiers have to increase their own risks by trying to find and rescue them. You have 3 marine sons, so I know you appreciate that aspect.
Good point about Christ, and you made your point well that we should only go down certain roads with eyes wide open as to consequences. Civilians should NOT mess around with the beehive unless they accept that they are going to get stung. If I’m ever kidnapped, I don’t want one penny spent on my release. I say this…Forget about me, pray for my soul, and see you on the other side!
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