Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't hate me.....

Since returning from my last scuba foray in January I’ve not done much, other than take the online PADI open water diving course, putter in the yard, sweat a little in the gym, and last but not least, watch a myriad of recently released movies at the Robinson’s theater quadlplex just around the corner. Ahhhh geez, but my life is SO hard, . . . or not. (Do I have two boxes of popcorn at the theater today, or just one? THAT is my life as of late.)

Don’t hate me just because I’ve fallen into this tropical, affordable life of leisure. Believe me; sometimes, even though I’ve come to take it all for granted, it all seems too good to be true; especially when I consider how many folks my age and physical status have it. Most are still hard at work, or they are if they are lucky; and those disabled in some way, like me, are probably not having nearly the good life that I manage to enjoy. It's too good to be true, I think uncomfortably, almost guiltily, and keep expecting something to happen that will bring it all to an abrupt end.

Anyway, I KNOW that it WILL end—our life as it currently exists will surely change as the plan is to take the family back to the states so they’ll have a crack at being Americans. With that, I tell them ALL things are possible, as long as one is willing to work hard, have a plan, save—and again—WORK HARD.

In doing that for them though I’ll be giving up this golden existence I currently have here. Ah well, nothing lasts forever, or so I hear. Unlike here, I know the costs of living stateside will eat up all the money I draw in pension and disability, and probably much much more. . . . Sigh. . . I seriously doubt we'll be going to the movies much when we finally arrive back in the land of the cold and the costly.

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