At the entrance of "the bromeliad garden" |
Last April,
on our first trip to Pattaya, “the Don, “our venerable trip leader and guide, mentioned several times that if we ever found
the time that we should schedule a visit out to a botanical garden that he had
passed by several times over the years on his many bike trips out into the Thai
countryside. Not being much of a “plant guy,” (as he says) he never bothered to venture past the gates; however, to me he offered this phrase a time or two, “But I know how
much you love nature and plants and flowers and all, so maybe you’d like to make
the trip and check it out?”
The only
thing about going out there that gave me any pause at all is when he mentioned
that it was more than a few kilometers out (like 15 or 20); and, he continued, based on my scooter
driving rate of travel (as compared to his Speedy Gonzales style) he estimated
that it would take us more than 30 minutes to get out there.
Every thing there has the "wow factor!" |
We never did
make it out to “the gardens” in April. The logistics of having along from the
Philippines one of my girls complicated scooter travel to say the least. It
wouldn’t have been a problem if three on a bike was legal (although the Thais
do it like crazy), but as a foreigner getting caught with the extra passenger is
a sure fire fine; not a very hefty one, but who needs the hassle? Anyway, we
knew we were going to return in June so we put off the botanical visit until
For me, chasing
after “Don the bike master” on a scooter always means a heavy dose of strain on
top of a full measure of anxiety. I know this to be true based on what happened
last April, when after following him around Pattaya for a couple hours on our
quest for Thai drivers’ licenses; we stopped in at a doctor’s office for a
quickie physical. Normally, my BP is around 110/70, but not that time. I was aghast
to see it up at 180/90! Being in a constant state of dread will do that to you.
I could have sat right here all day |
To make it
worse was speeding along after him with a passenger tucked up behind me,
because now a mistake meant killing or maiming not only me, but the mother of our children
as well—oh boy! And to add even more to the "oh no" pot, on one of our trips to a
nearby electronics mall, we passed by the recent aftermath
of a really nasty scooter crash. It was not pretty. The mangled bike lay
twisted on the road in a debris field of shattered plastic pieces and splotches
of blackening blood. The driver had obviously been badly hurt, if not killed,
and had had already been scooped up in one of the ubiquitous baht buses and
taken to the hospital. Gulp. I read somewhere that scooter accident deaths are the modern Asian plague. I believe it.
I had no idea that bromeliad species got THIS big |
knowing that such negative thoughts can result in the fulfillment of them
I always attempt to buck up, man up, and get my bravado on. Acting brave is the
next best thing to being brave; that has been my way for decades. Weird thing
is—it works—who’s going to know the difference?
I actually have several of these at home, but they don't look THIS good. |
I can see
the route now in my mind’s eye—out the hotel driveway right on the one-way 4
laner that is Second Road and soon right again on Pattaya Klang. You'll follow
that busy four lane with its extra long traffic lights all the way to where it
T’s into a fast moving 6 lane (8 or even 10 lanes, if you count the inner and
outer shoulders) boulevard called Sukhumvit Road. We sped along that thoroughfare
for a long time, long enough for me to eventually relax somewhat even—not an
easy thing for me trying to keep up with Speedy Don. As we approached traffic lights I’d hope that each would
turn red and force us to stop long enough for me to take my hand off the
throttle to shake out the tension in a bad right wrist. If I
have to go for longer than ten minutes cranking on the throttle, inevitably that forearm goes into spasms. When that happens all I can do is pull over and massage it until it
Luckily we
hit plenty of red lights and so my arm got plenty of rest and mostly behaved. But
we did have another unscheduled stop that didn’t involve traffic at a place that
Don had warned us of beforehand. For the most part the Thai police don't bother with
stopping tourists tooling around on scooters within Pattaya proper, but they obviously have a policy
to stop ALL foreigners on bikes outside of the city. Three or four miles down
Sukhumvit we could see a traffic light in the near distance; it looked like we
would easily make it through on green, but then a frantically gesturing
policeman stepped out, pointing at us as if shooting lightning bolts from his
index finger before raising both arms high in the international signal to STOP.
There were
three policemen manning the checkpoint. One was already questioning and
checking the documents of a hapless Thai biker. Don and I pulled off the shoulder to a spot right in
front of the police station and let the girls off. We joked and laughed that
what Don had predicted had actually happened; he wasn't exactly omniscient though; he’s been stopped at that spot
countless times over the years. The cop assigned to us kept a stern demeanor, probably expecting us to not have drivers licenses. He almost seemed
shocked (or disappointed perhaps) when we pulled ours out and merrily handed them over for his
inspection. Once he saw we were good to go his attitude suddenly switched over to
smiling friendliness. Don pulled out his tourist map and showed him where we
were headed. The now affable policeman began to try to speak Thai to our ladies and he seemed
surprised yet again learning that they were from the Philippines. So we got him
twice in the same stop--hah! He nodded a thank you and pointed us back out to the
road, dismissing us to continue our journey. We thanked all of them with Don
giving them a chuckling “See you again, probably SOON!” They didn’t understand
us, but we laughed at the joke just the same. We gave them a wave and a hardy hi-ho and sped away on down the road.
I have these but have never seen the flowers. Look carefully in the center. |
Then again, is that tiny flower from the bromeliad, or is the bromeliad actually a host plant for the tinier plant? |
I'm getting ahead of myself. During this recent stay in Pattaya (Jun-Jul '12) we ended up making more than one trip out to a special place that we were about to learn is called
The Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Gardens. Now that’s a rather long, even
grandiose name, but in this case, it’s definitely a place that lives up to the grandiosity
of its title. Our stop at the police check point marked just past halfway to the intersection where you turn left for the final two mile drive to Nong
Nooch’s entrance gate. Don hadn’t warned me how long that approach road would
be; in fact, its a four lane divided boulevard that winds and S-curves into the
country side interminably with almost nothing to mar the pastoral view by way
of buildings or structures along the way. It feels like you are heading out into the middle of no where.
Photography is a dream in that place. No matter where you aim there is a sublime shot. |
I tell you
what though, the Thais do NOT do things in half steps—saying that, coming to that
conclusion, is even easier after having lived “here” for ten years where most public works and large endeavors are done cut-rate and left mostly looking unfinished. I have to
chuckle reading what I just wrote because it reminds me how much repeating that theme at almost every turn, comparing the Philippines to Thailand (there is no comparison) eventually just irritated the heck out of my wife. “Well, if you love it here so
much, why don’t you just move here!” Always easy to de-fuse, I would just shrug
and in deadpan tell her, “Coz YOU’RE not here asawa; otherwise..”
Finally, we
got to the end of that endless approach avenue, came to another intersection and
following the sign turned right for another couple hundred meters to the actual park gate. From there, looking into the park, the place seems very understated; at
that point I really wasn’t expecting much. Boy did I soon have another thing coming.
Look how they arrange the individual bromeliads to form a larger mural of plants. |
Don and I
have learned to have the girls—who look like Thais by the way—hang well back
while the two of us pay for our tickets at the various attractions. Note: Thais always pay about a third less
than foreigners at all the attractions. So, we don’t say anything, they don’t
ask, and we pay the price they ask for. Usually they don’t ask since Thais don’t
speak English well. We hand over some money, they hand us back our change and
the tickets and the four of us go merrily on our way. But there WAS one time where
a more punctilious attendant actually asked the question, which I of course
honestly answered, and only then, well, you know…
We drove up
the lane and into the park and soon came upon a small manmade lake on the right
where we saw a dozen bikes like ours parked. We pulled in to park in line with them and thus started our
adventure in Nong Nooch.
You'd never get away with this back in the states these days. Cute. |
across the street from the lake we spotted a charmingly quirky entrance into a garden area
and in we sauntered. I was immediately impressed. No matter where you look
there is something to see, no detail too small not to attend to. My camera began a
workout that by the end of the day resulted in hundreds of photos loaded onto
the memory card. Within moments I noticed the theme of that particular garden and announced it to my fellow site-seers, “Hey, almost all the plants in here are bromeliads, did you notice that?” Don grinned, answering half mockingly, “Okay Phil, if YOU say so.”
These look African. They look aged, as if imported. Interesting to see in Thailand. |
Okay, so I’m
a plant geek. But even I didn’t know a bromeliad from a commelinid until the
wife happened to bring home a few potted species of them from some people who
were moving to a place with a much smaller yard. Bromeliads really are a fascinating family of
plants, many of them originating from tropical jungles and rainforests of the
world. The first time I saw them was on TV a few years ago where a program showed how tiny tree
frogs would lay their eggs in water trapped handily in the base of certain
bromeliad leaves. Awesome! Of course, I hadn't bothered to memorize the name of the plants until I happened to own a few myself. Finding out the name on the internet of this family of plants was fairly easy; I just typed tree frog plant into the search engine and there it was.
realizing the full extent of Nong Nooch, we browsed and enjoyed for almost an
hour the relatively tiny bromeliad garden. I say relatively tiny even although at the time I didn't think so until I saw how massive the rest of the park is--it's gigantic.
This plant is about five feet across and three feet high. Gorgeous |
I was fascinated with the way the
gardeners took these hardy plants potted in tiny black plastic bags and
arranged them in holders on the garden walls to form some of the most amazing
mural patterns using the varying foliage colors of the various
bromeliad species. I’ve never seen anything like it. Many hours later, almost a half hour after the park "officially" closed, we drove back toward the gate and I glanced over to see a sign on the frontage wall. "Bromeliad Garden," was on the sign. "See! I told you so!" I called over my shoulder to my wife, pointing at the sign as we sped past it almost out the gate.
Its in the details. Wow! |
Not wanting
to bore Ed Abbey, who, dollars to doughnuts, won’t even get this far, I’ll
finish this post off and continue to write more about all the other remarkable exhibits at Nong Nooch in upcoming entries. Oh, and enjoy the photos. I’ll put a handful
here in the post, but if you’d like to see more go to my Flickr site where I’ve placed
hundreds of outstanding pics from this most outstanding Botanical theme park. Go here for the day 1 photos of Nong Nooch.
Statuary everywhere, not just in the bromeliad garden |
I got that far!
ok, I take it back...
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