Here, Eddy shows with a piece of paper how the roof would be shaped from prepainted aluminum sheeting. The idea being to form it into the shape of a traditional Filipino Bahay Kubo roof, which is usually made from thatched palm.

Shaped round bar is used here to stiffen the cone roof and to provide rigid attach points to the vertical supports. Aluminum tabs, attached with plenty of rivets every foot or so, secure the stiffening bar to the roof.

The finished roof being man-handled to the top of the tower using rope and muscle. It was not an easy procedure due to its extreme weight, the wind, and interfering tree branches.

In by inch, the roof was pulled upwards. Eddy was very much in charge while this took place because of the dangers involved. That roof, if it fell, would have come down like a killer knife-like sail because of its aerodynamic shape and sharp edges. Not only that, a drop would have meant buying all the materials all over again since it would have likely been crushed and made unusable.

Success. I thought the hard part was going to be over once we had it up there, but no, it took another 30 minutes of sweaty all-hands work getting the heavy ungainly piece into place on the verticals.

To see more photos of the tower build, from start to finish, check out my Flickr site here. Play the slideshow for the best look and also check out the details version for all the commentary and titles. Comments are encourage. (Ok Ed, enjoy...)
Wow I had heard you talk about it and seen the pics in your earlier entry but this is really a neat tower I bet the girls just loved it.
Dave D.
Yep, everyone really enjoys it, and it makes a nice center piece for my garden as well.
... okay now i gotta ask... exactly how many kids do you have???
Six of my own, plus, another 3 that are my now my step kids. Of course the first three are grown now with kids of their own.
Awesome Phil. I can't wait to stop by sometime and check out the view in person.
A very unique project, so well executed.
I also like to spend time on our roofdeck, looking down on houses and people. It gives one a sense of insight not available to people on street level. And a sense of muffled serenity, too. You seem to be hearing things from a distance, muted and not grating.
That parabolic roof should also accord you the luxury of spending some siesta time up there.
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