In the photo above, now THAT looks like a heck of scope on a pretty powerful rifle. If this man is as psycho as claimed we will be lucky if he doesn't just get desperate and start plinking randomly at innocent passersby. We can only hope not.
When I first saw all these photos it was a bit of a hit to the gut. WHERE and HOW did this guy GET all these guns! Surely his family knew? With that wispy "teen" moustache and the "hard" look he effects in all the gun toting shots, in no way does he resemble the smiling fellow holding the baby. Truthfully though, looking at the way he mugs it up in these photos, he just seems like a wannabe to me, and after what he's done, he's turned out to be a desperate one at that.
The photo above is particularly chilling since he's probably brandishing the gun and silencer that he used to kill Al Mitchell and four of the other souls that happened to be in his house that day.
This looks like an M-16 or an AR-15; regardless, its an assault weapon. Again, what is he doing with it? According to Harry, the police now have all these photos as well and when they saw them they took great interest in them. Did ONE man really have access to ALL these deadly weapons?! Supposedly its widely known that he was "deranged" in an aggressive way; why then was he allowed access to them? All rhetorical questions of course.
None of the folks that I've communicated with know yet much of the personal background on this guy, other than he claimed to be a computer repairman. In some of the photos such as the one above he poses in a very large garage with some relatively nice automobiles. Makes you wonder if they belong to his family or to his friends. I'm quite sure the police have noted the types of cars and probably already know where this was taken, because of course, the owner would know necessarily about the guns as well. I'm pretty sure that they are illegal for most people to own assault weapons.
Some of these cars are pretty cool and probably very unique as far as around here anyway. Geez, if these are his and or his family's cars, why would he want to get involved with all this gangster killer stuff? In some of the emails flying about and in the local reporting its been reported that he pawned a lot of items. That would indicate money problems. Is all this killing simply about money?
And yet another type of gun...
... and yet another! How DID this guy get like this?
This little miniature would sound like a loud popgun going off, and aimed pointblank directly into the head will kill just as lethally as a magnum or a baretta. Was this the gun he used to kill innocent people without neighbors noticing?
Interesting how the moustache shaved, a smaller smile and a slight change in hairstyle can make him look like an entirely different dude. All ye who live here, take note, take heed.
Here is a profile photo of him. In some of the reporting and mad emails furiously flying about its said he was offering himself out as a bodyguard. Was he trying to make a name for himself, is that why all the killing? Did he watch too many gangstah movies? I will bet that he has a grandiose concept of himself, a total narcissist. I wonder why no tattoos though? Anymore, especially in the US, guys are plastering themselves with those ridiculous things to show how tough and intimidating they are. Then again, tats aren't really that big over here yet. Anyway, the word is that his family is negotiating with the police for his surrender. I hope that is true and they aren't stalling for time while he makes a getaway to some distant province. As my buddy just emailed me: "Let's just wait and see how it pans out."
To shoot at least 9 unsuspecting people in the head takes a man without normal human empathy, in other words, a soulless monster. Remember that if you see him on the street.

To shoot at least 9 unsuspecting people in the head takes a man without normal human empathy, in other words, a soulless monster. Remember that if you see him on the street.
Funny, I just logged into your blog after reading cnn and finding this article on the serial killer in the Philippines. I imagine they will find him eventually since his name is all over. Not sure I would want to be him once they catch him. Not sure how Filipinos interrogate prisoners but I know that I never want to find out!
he has a tattoo on his wrist. Check the picture with a baby.
Yup, in the other pics its covered by the thick watch band. As such, not such a big deal is it?
Ah, Ed, I went back and reread your comment. Very interesting about the "gadget obsession" angle in the CNN article. Looks to me like he's obsessed with killing people with "gun gadgets."
Just got a newsflash from my friend in AC that Mark Dizon was apprehended somewhere in La Union. Hope this is true. And I so hope too that this Mark Dizon is the real serial killer....
That would be great. I'll check around and see if anyone else has heard anything.... thanks!
Mark will be presented to media and people this 10 am at City Hall today . Hew was captured at San Fernando, not sure though if La Union or Pampanga.
http://www.facebook.com/edpam?v=wall&story_fbid=132080533500140 for Mayor Ed Pam's facebook status update on Mark Dizon
The residents of Angeles City, ALL of us, Filipino and foreigner alike, breathe a collective sigh of relief that this man is now off the streets. Can you believe it? It looks like Facebook helped to nab him by providing his photo and associates and friends for identification purposes! Cool beans!
i heared this news when i was gonna go to sleep....it shocked me alot coz 1st i really dont care well i've got my own buisness to bother my self with altough the police who likes in front of my house told my father about it.and when i heared it over the news who died...i got really shocked...my former stepmother was killed as well..she was one of those who worked for mr.al.,...i decided to call her up to make sure if its her maybe it was just a joke..but its not..knowing her she was a fighter what made me cry was my the fact that my sisters were gonna be alone they were so young to loose their mom..all night and till yesterday all i prayed was for that killer to be caught...that selfish B****d to suffer..am so thankful that he was not only for angles city's peace but also the soul of my former stepmom.mark dizon...i wish all the sufferings he will have them all for taking innocent lives and ruining the families that they left...the money that he took is plus hos own life am sorry to say this but its not enough to pay the lives that he ruined not only those who dies but the familes that was left behind..to my former stepmom..i know its hard for you to leave my sisters...i cannot promise much for now..but i know mark dizon capture will give you peace somehow..i hope our goverment will keep an eye to this man..and make sure he will pay a fair price for all the things that he did..altough am very sure that his own life wont be enough...
what do tattoos have anything to do with a serial killer profile?
I had these photos of him sent to me by email last wednesday... where did they get these photos? im just wondering...
Nothing. Please feel free to enjoy your tats. I personally find them ridiculous and showy, but thats my personal feeling. Folks get them for lots of reasons. I suppose for the "aesthetics," which to me is counterproductive since I find them to be unattractive; but many get them because they think it makes them look tough and intimidating. This guy wanted to be a badass, these days, the first thing wannabe badasses do is to get tats. But you're correct, talking about tats is mostly off subject.
The rumor is that the photos came from a laptop or computer that had belonged to Dizon himself. Actually though, I have no idea.
I see.. Well others say they are from his facebook account... well who knows... but I know where he is locked up now...
Spoke to someone the other day about the source of these pics. Evidently, He was actually giving them to his computer clients on disk. He is REALLY lucky that the police kept their word to his dad and didn't just take him out in a hail of gunfire. For instance, lately, if someone uses a gun to car nap and the police find you, more often than not, they don't take chances and just end it on the spot. Can't say as I blame them.
Mark Dizon.. I hate you! You deserve to suffer as much as possible for as long as possible. Death by injection or any other means would bring too quick an end, When you deserve to suffer hell on earth before the devil wraps his tail around you and digs in his claws to have his go at you through eternity..
. You have stolen lives of our loved ones and deserve to spend the rest of your life suffering. Philippine prison is likely worse than anywhere. You deserve to think about what you've done, the lives you destroyed every single moment of every second for the rest of your life. The life you know is gone forever..the things you love all gone forever just like all the people you murdered. Mark Dizon I hate you!
ten years after my brothers murder the police finally show up and inform my parents they know the whereabouts of both suspects. I dont understand why they dont just arrest them and put them on trial and let them spend their lives in jail and let justice be served .the teacher at the school refuses to cooperate with the authorities with no consequences. my other brother went to school to help my brother after he got stabbed multiple times, he was attacked from behind and knocked out, when he awoke he was in jail. what do we need to do to get justice for our brother who was murdered at the age of 17?? when a police officer shows up at our house ten years later out of uniform, of course the first thing we think is a filipino shake down.
The "justice" system here is a daunting plodding frightening thing to those of us outside of it. Its best to steer clear of it if at all possible; if not, one will surely get bit by it. I keep my head down and just hope I can make it out of here as intact as possible with my family. Truthfully, I walk around scared to death and try to stay inside my compound letting my fiancee take care of most of the daily outside chores. I know I'm sounding like a drama queen here, but after 8 years I know the possibilities. Pray for us.
what justice system are you talking about?
Just transfer him to a jail in Davao... and let the city "take care" of him.
is he really the killer?? or someone is still lurking and killing people or lemme say other ex pats. I heard that after he was caught another killing happened and whoaaaaa same caliber of gun... Hmmmmm
Oh,he did it all right. As far as other killings, it happens all the time here. Most of the murders that take place here are WAY under the radar. A lot of expats who live here know about the situation and just hope that the next victim will be someone else, perhaps more easily gotten to. Like the saying goes, you don't have to be the fastest guy, just faster than the guy behind you.
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