From what I can see, Kerry, whom I despise for many reasons, did not mean to insult the military intellect. I read the entire transcript and he was delivering what was supposed to be a punch-line driven diatribe against the president. I don't know why Kerry feels like he has to personally demean anyone, but it seems to be his style. He truly WAS talking about Bush, not us. In this case, he's only guilty of being "cute" and misunderstood.
I voted against him two years ago because he's a flip-flopping progressive who stabbed his own comrades in the back when he came back from his 4 "hellish" months as a swiftboater in VN. I don't care how many purple hearts or decorations he has, he abrogated all of that when he figuratively "spat" on all Vietnam vets upon his return, accusing his ex-comrades of warcrimes, all in the interest of furthering his career in politics.
Thank God this guy was defeated for the presidency. He confuses glibbness with intellect. By the way, the president, whom he disparages for being short on intellect, actually outstripped him in college. Militarily, GWB flew single-seat F104s mostly at night while Kerry captained swiftboats. Guess which task requires the higher intellect? It ain't telling your coxswain which way to steer.
Advice to Senator Kerry: Start acting like a statesman instead of the host of a late night talk show. Heeeeeere's Johnny!
I agree with you that he was referring to the president but man it is certainly easy to get the wrong meaning from it. My question is what the hell was he thinking? He isn't running for office so why isn't he hiding out in Massachusetts and letting his "party" do their thing. He may have made the difference from a total majority to a majority in one house.
I did vote for him but with a bad taste in my mouth. I thought he truly was the lesser of two evils and I still think he is evil.
Even in the Philippine blogosphere, people are wont to deride Bush’s intelligence, I suppose largely because of his physical demeanor and delivery of speech. But you are right, both came out with Ivy League education, with Bush not only getting better grades, but maybe more, because he has an MBA.
But the real wrinkle I would like to add is this. US academia is decidedly liberal as proved by poll after poll, down to where the professors’ political contributions go. Further reports also show that students with conservative views are given difficult times by their teachers. Thus, if Bush with his very conservative mind acquitted himself creditably that’s added bonus to him. Unless, he was very good at hiding his conservative ideas in school. But then his family has always been regarded as conservative and publicly so.
Phil, maybe he just needed a better writer for his speeches.
I am wondering...you can vote presidential elections while in the Philippines?
Hey Ed, Kerry is suffering from "death by soundbite." When you watch the entire tape, he clearly was not referring to the American troops. Hey, next election make sure you get with me first man! I'll hook you up... chuckle.
Amadeo, GWB is smarter than he looks. I agree with you; I cringe watching him speak. He doesn't do it well, but I like his resolve and his decency. I see all the blog commentary that says he is evil and nothing could be more false. People who meet him always comment on what a sincerely nice man he is. People say his getting us into Iraq proves he's bad, that he's a liar and denier. Well on that, speaking of the troops, the folks doing the grunt work over there love the president and are reenlisting with many volunteering to go back. If I were still in uniform I would volunteer to go myself. This is not the Vietnam generation where many young men were sent to war kicking and screaming and upon their return threw their medals over the White House fence. (That's a reference to Kerry by the way).
Funny thing about Harvard is like most major US universities, it too has a decided majority of liberal leaning professors, but I'm sure the business school side is loaded with moderates and conservatives. How could it not be? Business is business...
Hi Shoshana. Kerry didn't follow the lines written for him. His arrogance and speaking confidence gets him into trouble because he tries to ad lib based on the stuff written by his people. In this case, he was simply bashing the president, trying to be funny, pandering to a group of students who hate Bush. Sometimes these guys forget their larger audience, which is us. You watch the whole tape and its quite obvious he wasn't talking about me and mine. Thing is, Kerry should have known better, but this really is a tempest in a teacup. The Republicans are smart to use it to make political hay, and they are doing it in spades.
Sure, I've voted in every general election, and even this one coming up, since I started voting in '76. It's actually much easier voting absentee because I don't have to stand in line.
Phil - If Billary and another unfiscally motivated ultra conservative are my only choices for president, I think I will move in with you and sit the next election cycle out.
I'll read between the lines, or maybe I won't... I take it you think we're spending too much money on Iraq. Well, you're going to get Clinton man, sorry. I'll predict that they are going to hook her up with Obama and play the 1, 2 punch; the old race & woman card stunt. I want someone who's going to continue to fight the jihadists AND do something about illegal immigration.
Though the money spent on Iraq certainly isn't helping, mostly I am concerned about the $630 billion in tax cuts that turned a $236 billion surplus into a $415 billion deficit in ONE YEAR!!! And the reason that it is only $415 billion is because Bush shifted $150 billion from the Social Security trust fun so the real deficit it around $565 billion. This is perhaps the biggest reason why I don't like Bush. The war is minor in my opinion in regards to our financial well being as a nation.
Yup, we're about to collapse like a house of cards. I'm going to start calling you Henny Penny...
I know you were being sarcastic but don't you think that someday it will catch up to us if we continue to run huge deficits? My mind is too simple to theorize exactly what form it will come, but I do believe that someday, perhaps in my child's lifetime that our economy is going to collapse like the Henny Penny's sky.
Henny Penny's sky never did collapse, never was... that's the point. Your point is taken though... We need a CONGRESS that will STOP spending. The problem is we WANT them to spend on US. The job of our legislature is to "suckle" their constituents so they can remain in office. You blame the president for our problems with SS? Hell, he tried to get congress to deal with it, but they want to simply avoid it as a political no win. We want free medical, free dental, free social security, free life time jobs, hell, we want a free security blanket for everything. We didn't used to be this way. FDR started it and we've been sucking from the government tit ever since. Its both sides of the aisle that's responsible for this national mindset and THAT'S the real problem. WE are the problem, not George Bush. I'll be so glad when his term is done so half the population can fixate their hate on someone else. I've come to the conclusion that most Americans are shortsighted and without a clue. Present company exlcluded of course.
Amen to that!
Hey Phil,
I think you guys are being too easy on Kerry. He has always hated the military and he took a chance to jab at both Bush AND the military with his comments. He certainly wasn't excluding the military in his comments. After all, he's talking to a bunch of pimply faced college kids who just might be considering going into the military when they finish college. Who better to insult both the administration and the military to?
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