Days four and five have brought slow but steady progress. When dealing with heavy stones piled one on another, all held in place with only a relatively few dabs of cement, its best not to get in a rush.
Even so, the primary wall of the waterfall is up and in place, as well as all the ba
Edgar has the most experience on the subject so he is in charge of making the water drip and splash the way we want it to; and so when he asked me wh
“Okay Edgar, you asked for it. If possible, I’d like to see the water come down the rocks by three distinct methods—first, a nice slow drip all the way across the wall; and then I’d like to see a full on waterfall from th
He never answered me, already completely distracted by the possible solutions racing around the creativity racetrack in his head. By the end of the day he had it, and working with E
Each style of falling water would have its own water source. That means the main up pipe had to be split into five separate ones. One is an overflow, to allow for excess water pressure, if there is any, to bleed it back into the pond. Another pipe empties to the back of the falls when drainage is desired. And finally, the last three are each routed separately to the top of
When viewing all the convoluted piping and valves, none of which has actually been tested yet, it all seems very Rube Goldberg to me. And at this point we still are not sure how the water will actually flow. I imagine we will tweak it as we go. We’ll put the pieces together, turn on the wa
The drip pipe solution is probably the easiest one to make work. They simply placed the pipe horizontally along the top where drip holes will be strategically drilled along the length of the pipe.
The top primary falls will be the last thing we work on and will likely require the mos
The catch pool pipe is probably the easiest to put in place since all it must do is to empty into the top catch pool. The concern then will be properly attaching each successive catch pool so that they correctly empty into the one below.
The staggered catch pool ide
Power to the pump is now complete including all the camouflaging. One of my concerns had been how to hide the pump’s power cord. It runs necessarily
Another unique feature of the rock wall is the pair of posts bookending the wall like structure. These posts are critical supports without which the heavy stack of rocks they support would surely eventually tip over. These posts, now decorated to resemble two concrete bamboo logs contain two thick steel rebars. The rebar
Today, day six, we should start the construction of the three waterfall systems, as well as w
I can't wait for this to come out on video.
Me too Ed...
I can't imagine how is the outcome base from the description. Hmmm.. I'm curious how all of these especially the waterfall will come out.. Goodluck!
Stay tuned. Covered in cement even as we speak!
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